Thursday, May 30, 2013

Meet Humphrey

When I started this blog, Libby and I were drinking wine and I told her my idea of having a blog to document this adventure and keep everyone up to speed at the same time. Since then, Libby, Mom and myself have looked at about 20 different Dollar Trees to find a "backup Herbert." What kind of blog would this be if the main character went MIA???

I mentioned the blog at work and my supervisor came through!! It turns out her mother had given her a present for Christmas and it was in a box. Enter Humphrey.

She was given a flying elephant for Christmas instead of a pig.

But as it turns out, her mother had this...

We have backups!!! Now, I'm not as worried about taking the original with me. The original took a tumble down the front steps when we took this picture:

Herbert takes a tumble

His solar panel popped out and he doesn't fly on his own anymore :( I think his wires came loose. We put him back together but no luck. He does have an H on his foot so that I know he's the original. I'm sentimental like that I guess.

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