Friday, May 10, 2013


 We bought an air mattress before leaving Savannah. I knew it would be a bit before I bought a bed and didn't want to get stranded without something to sleep on. It was actually pretty comfortable. After a couple of nights, we got the hang of how inflated it needed to be to sleep comfortably.

Making sure it worked before leaving Savannah

I woke up Sunday morning and moved and the whole thing deflated in about 5 seconds!! Nothing like waking up to your bed giving way at 6am on a SUNDAY!!!!

We had to wait until 11 for the stores to open and found a discount mattress place right around the corner. Have I mentioned how great the neighborhood is yet??? There is a BUNCH of shopping!!! In an out in 30 minutes and it only cost lunch for the two guys to deliver it. 

The new bed!!! Beau is still really excited that he can jump on it. I had hoped to hold off any big purchases for at least a month or two but it's a blessing in disguise. I've been sleeping SOO much better!!!

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