Thursday, May 30, 2013

Meet Humphrey

When I started this blog, Libby and I were drinking wine and I told her my idea of having a blog to document this adventure and keep everyone up to speed at the same time. Since then, Libby, Mom and myself have looked at about 20 different Dollar Trees to find a "backup Herbert." What kind of blog would this be if the main character went MIA???

I mentioned the blog at work and my supervisor came through!! It turns out her mother had given her a present for Christmas and it was in a box. Enter Humphrey.

She was given a flying elephant for Christmas instead of a pig.

But as it turns out, her mother had this...

We have backups!!! Now, I'm not as worried about taking the original with me. The original took a tumble down the front steps when we took this picture:

Herbert takes a tumble

His solar panel popped out and he doesn't fly on his own anymore :( I think his wires came loose. We put him back together but no luck. He does have an H on his foot so that I know he's the original. I'm sentimental like that I guess.

Stormy weather

The weather has been a big wet the past few weeks. I'm ready for some sunshine!! I'm also super glad to not be in the heat!! I took these when I was leaving work this afternoon. 

Nothing like tornado warnings all day to keep you on your toes! 

Friday, May 17, 2013

White Sox Win!!

One of the benefits of the lab is that they have season passes to the White Sox. If a client is not using them, employees are given the opportunity to enter their name in a raffle to win.

 Lucky enough, not one had put their name in for the game on Mother's Day! The bundle came with two tickets, two passes to the stadium club and a parking pass.

US Cellular Field aka Comiskey Park (in local jargon)
A little tid bit, the Sox played at Comiskey Park from 1910-1990 until the new field was built right across the street.
You can see the old park on the left and the new park on the right. They have since torn down the old park but have left a piece of memorabilia where home plate was.

I didn't find this out until afterwards so I can't claim the pics. The next game I'll have to take Herbert for his photo op.

Since they are season tickets, we were able to sneak into the area between the field and the area outside.

Our Box

By the bottom of the 5th, I was a wee bit cold and hungry. So we went to the stadium club which is a private restaurant/bar for box ticket holders.  It was pretty awesome to be able to watch the game live and on TV while eating!!

The best part about the night...

Sox Win!!!

It was so much fun and it gave me an opportunity to see the city for the first time. I didn't bring Herbert to the game because I felt a bit silly but he'll be venturing out on the next adventure!!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's who have influenced my life as friends, aunts, sisters, and cousins!!!!!

Today is a bit difficult since it's my first Mother's Day that I haven't been with my Mom. Don't worry, it's not even noon and we've already spoken twice :)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Morton Arboretum Members

We joined the Morton Arboretum today. It's about 10-15 minutes away (depending on traffic) and it has awesome walking trails!! The best part is that the membership has reciprocal benefits to many other gardens and arboretums around the country including 8 different venues in Georgia!

 Can you spot Herbert???

It was a little chilly and windy...hence the petals flying through the air. Love the blossom trees!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Baby goslings!!

I got home from work on Wednesday to find that our geese had babies!!! They were about 2 days old and soooo cute!!!


 We bought an air mattress before leaving Savannah. I knew it would be a bit before I bought a bed and didn't want to get stranded without something to sleep on. It was actually pretty comfortable. After a couple of nights, we got the hang of how inflated it needed to be to sleep comfortably.

Making sure it worked before leaving Savannah

I woke up Sunday morning and moved and the whole thing deflated in about 5 seconds!! Nothing like waking up to your bed giving way at 6am on a SUNDAY!!!!

We had to wait until 11 for the stores to open and found a discount mattress place right around the corner. Have I mentioned how great the neighborhood is yet??? There is a BUNCH of shopping!!! In an out in 30 minutes and it only cost lunch for the two guys to deliver it. 

The new bed!!! Beau is still really excited that he can jump on it. I had hoped to hold off any big purchases for at least a month or two but it's a blessing in disguise. I've been sleeping SOO much better!!!


I've always believed that there is a higher power working and that we are given signs to help guide us in our choices in life.

It was a Thursday morning and I made a quick visit to HR at work to inquire about a transfer. I had been wanting to move to a big city and there were a few cities in mind: Atlanta, Seattle, Houston and Chicago. We have labs everywhere but Atlanta. I didn't want to raise any eyebrows so I spoke in confidence about Chicago. There weren't any job openings at the time.

Then an e-mail came from the Chicago lab that afternoon with an opening.

The next day, I put my application in with a bit of anxiety. Then I got this at lunch...

"You will move to a wonderful new home within the year."

Within a few days I had interviewed and was offered the job.

I had a few doubts when I got up here that maybe I had misunderstood the signs when the city flooded and Beau and I were stuck without a place to live in a city that we had never been to and starting work in 3 days.

I also had doubts with the apartment complex. It was the first that I had visited and after about 9 others I kept coming back to it. I loved the lake and felt that the area would be a good fit.

Last weekend, I was sitting out by the lake watching the ducks and was looking up something on my phone (probably a Mexican restaurant which I STILL haven't found!) and saw this....

I'm the blue dot and across the lake is Fitzgerald Rd. For the non-family readers... part of my immediate family lived in Fitzgerald, GA for many years. I took it as my sign that I made the right decision.

My spot...looking at Fitzgerald Rd.

Friday, May 3, 2013

In need of a Cancun!!!

Went out on Wednesday night with a neighbor for Mexican. Naturally, I was super stoked but found it it was "authentic" Mexican food. It was alright but I am totally craving Cancun!!!!! Fajitas just weren't the same :(