Thursday, April 18, 2013

Heading to the Windy City

We left Atlanta around 9:30 Tuesday morning and headed up to the Windy City.

Beau got some sleepy medicine...
Herbert enjoyed traveling through all the different states

Cool bridge in Louisville

First sign to CHICAGO!!

We made it and it was quite an adventure over the past few days. We ended up in a VERY bad part of town and drove back towards Indiana. Yesterday was apartment hunting day and we've picked one but we're waiting to hear about a move in date. When we woke up this morning...

It poured and poured overnight in the Chicago area and most of the metro area was under water. I was going to try to get out and about but when the hotel room started to flood we decided to move to a different neighborhood. Now it's just a waiting game and more research for a place to live. It is stressing me out!!

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