Sunday, January 5, 2014

Mom Visits: Wisconsin-EPIC

 Mom had never visited Wisconsin. So, I made her do the touristy sign picture. It was hilarious!!!

Checking out B's apartment

Driving on EPIC campus

View of the Farm House

Entrance to Brendan's building "ISIS" from the parking garage

ISIS is a Dungeons and Dragons themed building

Even the bathrooms are themed!!!

Mom's Knight in Shining Armor
Brendan was not amused that Mom wanted to get on the rocking horse. haha!

Brendan has a slide at work... a SLIDE!!!!

The Tree House is behind the treeline to the right

The Cafeteria

Dry Cleaner, Gift Shop, and other shops- Grand Central Station
New York Subway

Fiber optics everywhere!

Screenshots of the software

What clients and visitors see when they first walk in

Entrance to the auditorium where they hold their staff meetings- it's at least a 7000 seat auditorium

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