Monday, January 6, 2014

Mom Visits

Mom drove to Atlanta and took the MARTA to the airport. Thank heavens for Libby! She was going to drive her to the airport but made the call that the train would be better. GREAT decision!! She and the girls helped her get onto the train and waved farewell for a few days.

As soon as she landed we ran into the grocery store to grab a few things. This is where I found her. She couldn't get over how much liquor was in the grocery store. It's strange to walk into CVS and see booze. I guess I don't even think about it anymore.

Made sure she got a Chicago hot dog. She chose a chili dog...I stuck with my onions only.

Took Mom to the Italian side of the city for some pizza and pasta at Pompei

We ventured out to the Museum of Science and Industry. Mom had a blast!!! It's a science nerd's play land.  We saw every single exhibit and spent almost 6 hours there.

Coal Mine

Heading down into the Coal Mine

Farm Land

Mom the Milkmaid

Omnimax movie- 5 story domed screen made out of Aluminum

Speakers hidden behind the screen
Images are projected from the middle of the room

We both almost fell asleep in the movie

WW2 Submarine

The U-submarine
 They had a Disney exhibit going on that I couldn't wait to check out! I had been waiting for a month and a half to go with Mom.

Walt Disney's desk

My FAVORITE!! Mary Poppins!

That's a full sized 747

Playing on a 747

Tesla coil

Wind Tunnel

Tornado simulator that's three stories tall

Avalanche simulator

Trees from around the world

Periodic table of the elements


After Wisconsin the day before and the museum all day Sunday I was beat!! A huge weather system was heading our way and the temps were dropping. We were going to spend the day downtown but with the winds it would have been very cold. So we headed to the ATL for an extra day with the family.