Sunday, March 23, 2014

Monical's pizza

Tried another Illinois pizza joint with a coworker. They farthest north they go is Bourbonnais which is about an hour south of me. They are known for their super thin crust and it was delicious!!! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St Patrick's Day!!!

I was missing my family terribly this St Patrick's day. You take things for granted when you know you have them. I appreciate so much more now. However, I did get my Irish on with my friend Becky and a few of her friends.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Adler Planetarium

I found out (would have loved to have known this a year ago) that Bank of America has partnered with a bunch of museums and they offer free admission the first weekend of every month. My Chicago bucket list is getting smaller!! I went to check out the Adler Planetarium. The only thing I had to pay for was the shows and truthfully those are definitely the best part. They have tons of hands on activities and it would be so fun to bring the girls!

The Sun is the screen for one of the theaters.

 One of the really neat exhibits was the Atwood Sphere. It was constructed over 100 years ago in Chicago for the Chicago Academy of Sciences and transferred to the Adler many many years later where they restored the sphere. It's made out of metal and when you go can see lots of constellations from holes drilled into the sphere. It rotates on an axis so you can see all of the constellations displayed on the sphere. Truthfully, I had no idea what it was but after I found out how old it was and the story behind it I was much more intrigued.

The first show was amazing. It went through all of the most popular constellations and talked about the different galaxies. The second show was at the end of the day and I kinda fell asleep in it. It was all about different galaxies and it was projected on a dome screen on the ceiling. It was comfortable and dark. A recipe for a petite siesta.