Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving thanks

Today is a day to reflect on all the goodness in my life. I have so much to be grateful for and I am more appreciative of it now than ever. 

I'm grateful for family. They have made me who I am today and have always supported me in all of my decisions both good and bad. 

I am grateful for friends. They listen when I need someone to talk to. They keep me company when I am lonely. They offer guidance when I feel lost or confused. They make me laugh when I am sad. They tell me I'm wrong and keep me in line when I start to deviate from my true self. 

Most of all, I am grateful that my family are my friends and my friends are my family. 

I am grateful for work even though it's not my favorite job, it has given me this great opportunity to live in a new place. 

I am grateful that I have finally decided in what I want to do when I grow up. It has given me the drive and motivation that I have been missing in my work. Although I have a lot of work ahead of me, I finally feel like I'm moving in the right direction with my career. 

I am grateful for my dog. He has taught me what true loyalty and unconditional love is. No matter how much I leave him or ignore him, he is always there with a wagging tail wanting my love. 

I am grateful for my faith. 

I am grateful for good people who open their homes to a stranger so they they aren't alone in a holiday. I felt like I was part of the family.